Hello Folks,

For some of you who had the luxury of owing big- headed coloured television sets or watched black and white television in a neighbour’s room through the window or probably at TV repair’s roadside shop will dotingly remember the good old days advertisements such as; ABC Golden Lager Beer, Bubra, Club Beer- beer d3 anoa ni cruub, Star Beer- sparkling bubbles, Gulder- the ultimate, Guinness- I get the power. It is easier to think that most of the adverts on alcoholic beverages are solely targeted at men rather than women simply because we live in a society where we daughters and sisters of Eve are considered to be conservative with intake of alcohol. A decade or two ago, a lot of adverts on alcoholic drinks have more men playing leading roles than women. Does that mean daughters and sisters of Eve didn’t drink alcohol? The answer is no. In this age and time, it is common to find daughters and sisters of Eve dancing, exposing part of their bodies, and singing all in the name of promoting alcohol.

Over the years, Guinness adverts have been unswerving and top-notch.  Presently, there is a Guinness advert that airs on our screens where celebrities like Benny Blanco, Michael Oti-Adjei and others narrate how they joined “TABLE OF MEN”. Does that mean women can’t have their own table or women are not invited to the “TABLE OF MEN”?

I honoured an invitation to a marriage ceremony in one of the most populous and popular suburbs in Accra. So usual of me, I reached the nuptial very late. Unluckily, I stood for long at the reception until a kind lady gestured at me to come and sit, I sauntered reservedly to join the table full of all proportions of ladies. In a little while, it was time to serve thirst-quenchers, the usher brought varieties to our table. All ladies were guzzling alcoholic beverages; I was the only one who chose stylishly bottled bissap or sobolo. A lady dressed in a glitzy plunging sequined neckline number that kinda looked like Vegas showgirl queried me “Madam, do you live around? I retorted “No please. I live at Haatso”.  She continued “Don’t you drink alcohol? Whimsically, she added. “Not even a bottle of Guinness. As for Guinness, it is blood tonic”. Smirnoff Ice is a feminine drink. It is like Whiteman’s palm wine. Exactly like our freshly local brewed palm wine”.   I thought of how best to respond without upsetting her since all the ladies were all ears and curiously waiting tolerantly for my reply. “Well, I drink a glass of red wine or Amarula occasionally”. I am sipping sobolo or bissap because it is medicinal.” And that was my response.   

At the middle of the reception grounds, some peppy sons of Adam and daughters of Eve were briskly “azontoing” Dr. Slim’s “Ole sek3”  when two gentlemen entered to mount a table not too far from the just- now married couple.  About sixteen womenfolk arrayed in white lace tops with flamboyant long slit- skirts –that- make-their-legs slink -out, different hues of “gele” headgears with vibrant carnival- like make –up broadcasted their presence by joining in the dance. Later, they were ushered to sit at the mounted table. Looking at their visages, nine were in their early or mid-forties or early fifties, while the remaining seven were probably between the ages of twenty -five to thirty –seven. The gentlemen who had earlier mounted the table brought a hefty cool box to them. A woman among the group ecstatically told her buddies, “I will “stone” you guys and later kill you with “arrow (meaning, she will have Stone Lager Beer and Arrow Beer)”. As soon as one of the ladies used ice-cold Club Beer to rinse her hand, my thoughts with hilarity visualized “aujourd’hui c’est aujourd’hui”.  Within a glint of time, the table was wholly garlanded with Guinness, Star Beer, Club Beer, Stone Lager Beer, Gulder, Castle Milk Stout, Smirnoff, Jack Daniels, Johnnie Walker, Akpeteshie, Rosso- Rosso!, Barons Pusher, Kasapreko Opeimu, Monarch Ginseng Bitters, Mandingo Bitters, Kasapreko Cocoa Liqueur, Agya Appiah Bitters, Castle Bridge, Kasapreko Alomo Bitters, Kasapreko Lime Cordial, alongside tot packs like Captains Dry Gin, Mafia Coffee Liqueur Whisky, Striker Gin, Abe Nsuo Ginger Gin and host of others. A brazen lady mixologist was seriously blending Guinness with palm wine and Mandingo bitters like a professional. Others nibbled on reddish spicy pork chops while others indulged in all hodge-podges of alcoholic fusions and cocktails. The sixteen- all- female-booze- till -your -husband -carry -you –home- gang enjoyment  was not complete without lewd jokes and irrepressible laughter.

  My attention had wafted from the newlyweds to the unfolding “COME AND DRINK AT TABLE OF WOMEN” scene. A nice-looking lady who was part of our table returned with glass of Campari and rocks (ice cubes) and sneeringly she said: “As for these women, that’s what they do best at weddings, funerals, christenings and festivals. They always attend occasions like this with their OWN drinks and gulp like they have breweries in their houses. I pity their husbands and children”. So I asked who they were and a table member volunteered to fill me in. They are members of all-female club in the vicinity, mostly traders at Makola and business women. They were called by the mother of the bride who also happens to be a card -bearing member of the group. After hours of being wowed with quaffing escapades, I finally went to say ciao to the couple. Just as I was stepping out, a daughter of Eve was gloriously filling an empty gallon with Guinness.

Folks, certainly, there will never be female edition of Guinness advert and for that matter any alcoholic beverage advert christened “COME AND DRINK AT THE TABLE OF WOMEN” but I have feasted my eyes on sisters and of daughters of Eve re-shooting their own version.  Personally, I don’t have problem with women taking alcohol but it use for long period can cause infertility in both sexes, especially in men. Alcohol use by women, particularly in the month they get pregnant exposes the unborn child to a high risk of brain abnormalities.

 Daughters and sisters of Eve, please do drink in moderation!
Have a fantastic week!

Deli.ciouzly Yours
