LA Woman Gets Butt Injections With Bathroom Sealant; Ends Up Having To Amputate Arms, Legs And Buttocks.
While many people might ask, “Why
would anyone in their right mind do something as dangerous as getting butt
injections??” there are many women out here who are putting their lives at risk
for a more plump posterior everyday. Just ask Apryl Michelle Brown.
The mother of two used to get
teased as a young woman because she had a flatter backside compared to her
friends and counterparts, and according to the Daily Mail, she says that she developed
many insecurities about herself and her butt. The hairstylist told ITV’s “This
Morning” that in 2004, a woman came into her salon saying that she performed
butt injections. Well, Brown went ahead and started receiving injections from
the woman because of her issues with her self-esteem, and before she knew it,
her body was rejecting what was going in it: a bathroom sealant that the woman
lied and claimed was silicone.
“I thought she was a blessing. I
hadn’t done any other research so I didn’t know all the horror stories. I went
to someone’s private home – she wasn’t licensed, but I didn’t know that then –
and lay on her daughter’s bed, wearing special panties with the butt removed.
She told me I’d need four sets of
injections, and when she started to do them it was very painful. I could feel
it going into my nerves and muscles.”
Brown came for a second set of injections,
but when she left, she said something told her she shouldn’t come back: “I
thought, what are you doing? And that was a sign from God to stop.”
But it was too late. Brown says
that the injection sites on her backside started to itch, discolor, and then
become painful. She eventually went to the doctor and they told her that the
chemical could not be removed. As she got sicker and sicker, they eventually
had to do something:
“Eventually they went in and
removed the silicone, along with the butt cheeks. It was then it became
infected and they gave me 24 hours to live.”
But doctors continued to operate,
and after 27 operations, they had to amputate her buttocks, her lower arms and
lower legs, all places where the sealant had spread. Brown says that when she
woke from her induced coma, which she was put in for the operations, she felt
no more pain. She lost some limbs, but she gained a new outlook on life and on
beauty that she wants to share with other women:
“I don’t think God gives you
opportunity to live again without using it to stop others. I want to teach that
we mustn’t ever look for something outside ourselves to validate
ourselves.We’re already born whole and perfect and complete, and nothing we do
on the outside will make us change on the inside.
When I got the injections I
already had great self esteem. I thought I was just enhancing myself. But
looking back, I see there must have been an extreme issue.”
many people might ask, “Why would anyone in their right mind do
something as dangerous as getting butt injections??” there are many
women out here who are putting their lives at risk for a more plump
posterior everyday. Just ask Apryl Michelle Brown.
The mother of two used to get teased as a young woman because she had a flatter backside compared to her friends and counterparts, and according to the Daily Mail, she says that she developed many insecurities about herself and her butt. The hairstylist told ITV’s “This Morning” that in 2004, a woman came into her salon saying that she performed butt injections. Well, Brown went ahead and started receiving injections from the woman because of her issues with her self-esteem, and before she knew it, her body was rejecting what was going in it: a bathroom sealant that the woman lied and claimed was silicone.
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The mother of two used to get teased as a young woman because she had a flatter backside compared to her friends and counterparts, and according to the Daily Mail, she says that she developed many insecurities about herself and her butt. The hairstylist told ITV’s “This Morning” that in 2004, a woman came into her salon saying that she performed butt injections. Well, Brown went ahead and started receiving injections from the woman because of her issues with her self-esteem, and before she knew it, her body was rejecting what was going in it: a bathroom sealant that the woman lied and claimed was silicone.
“I thought she was a blessing. I hadn’t done any other research so I didn’t know all the horror stories. I went to someone’s private home – she wasn’t licensed, but I didn’t know that then – and lay on her daughter’s bed, wearing special panties with the butt removed.Brown came for a second set of injections, but when she left, she said something told her she shouldn’t come back: “I thought, what are you doing? And that was a sign from God to stop.”
She told me I’d need four sets of injections, and when she started to do them it was very painful. I could feel it going into my nerves and muscles.”
But it was too late. Brown says that the injection sites on her
backside started to itch, discolor, and then become painful. She
eventually went to the doctor and they told her that the chemical could
not be removed. As she got sicker and sicker, they eventually had to do
“Eventually they went in and removed the silicone, along with the butt cheeks. It was then it became infected and they gave me 24 hours to live.”
But doctors continued to operate, and after 27 operations, they had
to amputate her buttocks, her lower arms and lower legs, all places
where the sealant had spread. Brown says that when she woke from her
induced coma, which she was put in for the operations, she felt no more
pain. She lost some limbs, but she gained a new outlook on life and on
beauty that she wants to share with other women:
“I don’t think God gives you opportunity to live again without using it to stop others. I want to teach that we mustn’t ever look for something outside ourselves to validate ourselves.We’re already born whole and perfect and complete, and nothing we do on the outside will make us change on the inside.
When I got the injections I already had great self esteem. I thought I was just enhancing myself. But looking back, I see there must have been an extreme issue.”